Are you looking for can you bleach permed hair? We’ve found some tips for you.
Can You Bleach Permed Hair? - Explained - Haircut Insider
Yes, you can definitely bleach your permed hair and give it a newer, more stylish look in no time. However, as both the perming and bleaching chemicals are harsh and damaging, you need to wait at least 45 days between perming and bleaching your hair. You Bleach Permed Hair? - Lauren+Vanessa
In general, it’s best to avoid bleaching perm hair if possible. The type of perm you have: Some types of perms are more resistant to damage than others. If you’re not sure about the type of perm you have, it’s best to consult with a professional before bleaching your hair. I Bleach My Permed Hair? – HairstyleCamp
Bleach is even harsher on the hair than a perm because it literally breaks your hair proteins (what keeps the hair strong) apart so that it can lift, or remove, the color. Your hair is lighter once you wash and rinse, but your hair is also a lot weaker afterward. Dryness, frizz, and breakage are common effects after bleaching your hair. You Bleach Permed Hair - Jamaican Hairstyles Blog
The answer is yes, you can bleach permed hair. However, you need to be careful with the process as it can result in damage to your hair. If you bleach your hair, it’s good to check the health of the follicles. Also, wait at least 45 days between perms and bleaching your hair you bleach permed hair? – AnswersAll
Yes you can, though it’s generally safer to do it before (coloring a half to a full shade darker than you want since the perm will lighten it). The chemicals in bleach and perms DO NOT mix and you can have that bleached hair break off or even fall out at the root. So color yes, bleach NO. You Bleach Relaxed Hair? (A When & How Guide) - SkinVeteran
You can bleach your permed hair, but there should be at least a 4-5 weeks gap between the two procedures. Hair perm is aggressive, but bleaching is even harsher that can ruin your hair by making it dry, brittle, and highly prone to damage. Permed Hair | A Recipe for Damage?
The order of these processes is important. Always perm before you bleach! Perms use harsh chemicals that will alter the color of your hair slightly and can ruin your perfectly lifted and toned blonde. Perm first, then bleach (preferably a couple of weeks later) for the best results. Do choose a less-damaging hot perm. I Bleach My Permed Hair? – HairstyleCamp
Bleach is even harsher on the hair than a perm because it literally breaks your hair proteins (what keeps the hair strong) apart so that it can lift, or remove, the color. Your hair is lighter once you wash and rinse, but your hair is also a lot weaker afterward. You Bleach Permed Hair? Lucky Curl Answers.
Brief Answer: It’s not a good idea to bleach permed hair. It is wise to at least wait for one or two months before doing so. Also, bleaching can only be done if your hair passed the strand test. We all know perms will never go out of style! Also, they’re the most memorable hairstyle of the ’80s.